• quilting

    Friday Finish

    My week has been a little short on the quilting end, but I do have one little mug rug that I finished today. I bought this fabric in a scrap pack from Reproduction Fabrics because I liked the fabric with…

  • quilting

    Work in Progress Wednesday

    This week so far, I’ve made some progress on the Frivols quilt. If I keep going, I might have the top done by Friday. Tuesday I spent some time looking for the perfect backing for the wedding quilt. I had…

  • quilting

    WIP Wednesday

    Work-in-progress Wednesday, friends! How did it get to be mid-week so fast?? Anyone else feeling that way? Last week was a blur, but I did manage to finish these littles in between road trips and whatnot. The road trips included…

  • quilting

    Pieceful Monday

    No quilting will be happening today or tomorrow, other than maybe a little stitching on the woolie I posted yesterday. I’ll be gone for most of the week, but I will be home over the weekend, so I’m hoping to…