
Gypsy Wife Begins

Gypsy Wife is a quilt designed by Jen Kingwell that I’ve long been wanting to make. Two of my friends and I have decided to do our own little mini quilt along, so today I’ll show you my progress.

Connie and Sally are making their quilts from a kit. I have decided to make mine from my stash. While they are working on their quilts in sections, I’m starting with the blocks and going from there. My quilt is definitely going to be eclectic. We’ll see how many of the blocks actually make the cut, and how many I redo!

Here is my first block.

Gypsy Wife Begins - this fun quilt, designed by Jen Kingwell, is my next project that I'm working on with a couple of my friends - piecefulthoughts.com

This one went together pretty well. I’m pleased with the bright colors.

Next up was this fun little block.

Gypsy Wife Begins - another block in the Jen Kingwell Gypsy Wife quilt pattern - piecefulthoughts.com

I like that background fabric so much I just bought another 1-1/2 yards.

And then this one.

Gypsy Wife Begins - another of the blocks I made from this Jen Kingwell pattern - piecefulthoughts.com

This one went quickly, using some charm squares in my scrap bin.

This is actually the first block I made.

Gypsy Wife Begins - my first block made from this Jen Kingwell pattern - piecefulthoughts.com

This was actually a sample block to check my seam allowances. I like it so much, I’m keeping it in.

Last, for now, is this one.

Gypsy Wife Begins - this HST block in this Jen Kingwell pattern was easiest, since I had all the HSTs in my scraps - piecefulthoughts.com

This one was really easy. I found all but one of the HSTs in my scrap bin, all squared and ready to go! Yippee!

Speaking of Challenging Quilts

This weekend I joined my brother Steve and sister-in-law Nita, (owners of What A Hoot Quilting) as they brought a busload of women to the Cities on a mini shop hop. One of the highlights of the trip was an evening with Patricia Cox. An amazing woman, Pat not only creates beautiful quilts, she also collects them. She enjoys sharing her quilts that she has acquired over the years. Pat is in her 90s, still teaches quilting, and is a delightful speaker and presenter.

I wanted to share this picture of one of Pat’s quilts with you. This one was a favorite of mine.

This quilt, belonging to Patricia Cox, is made of little 1/2 inch squares - piecefulthoughts.com

Those are little 1/2-inch squares in this quilt! Here’s a closer view.

A quilt belonging to Patricia Cox made up of 1/2-inch squares - piecefulthoughts.com

If you ever get the chance to hear Pat speak and see some of her quilts, don’t miss it.

While you are reading this post, I’m goofing around with my cousin Deb. She is one of my favorite people, and I can’t wait to have her come and visit!



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