• quilting

    Charity Quilts

    It started with a few charity quilt blocks that I was going to piece and send to Carole at From My Carolina Home. Then I asked my quilt group to join me in making blocks, and boy, did they ever!…

  • quilting

    Pieceful Friday

    Is it just me, or did this week fly by? It’s Pieceful Friday in my sewing room. Here’s a little peek at a few things I worked on this week. Sketching Quilt Designs Sandra at MMM!Quilts is hosting the 30…

  • quilting

    Pieceful Monday

    It’s Pieceful Monday once again, and this weekend had me tucked in my quilt room, busily organizing fabric. I did take a break from it to make a quick block and a cat toy, but more about that in another…