• quilting

    Pieceful Monday

    It was quiet around here last week. My birthday started the week off, and I decided to enjoy the week working on some quilt projects. We celebrated my birthday by going to see White Christmas at The Ordway, a fun way…

  • quilting

    Scrappy Wednesday

    Fall is definitely in the air here, bring that cool, crisp breeze and leaves falling to the ground. I spent the day yesterday with my daughter, popping in and out of the shops in our little town. It was a…

  • quilting

    Pieceful Monday

    Ahh . . . home! I am happily slurping coffee and reading through emails and quilting blogs and enjoying a quiet Monday morning at home. We have been on the road again over the weekend, with a short trip to…

  • Pieceful Life

    If We Were Having Coffee

    I’d tell you that sometimes I feel I am back at my roots, standing on a Dakota prairie, with miles and miles of wide openness. The wind is blowing around me, swirling the prairie grass and teasing my nose with…