• quilting

    A Little Irish

    A Little Irish is the name of my piece for the Project Quilting Challenge 15.6 – Irish Chain. I racked my brain trying to come up with something clever that was a spin off of an Irish Chain block, but…

  • quilting

    PQ 15.5 Wearables

    The PQ 15.5 Wearables challenge initially gave me a little pause. I’m not much into the quilted wearables trend, although I enjoy seeing what others create and wear. After giving this challenge a little thought, I knew what I wanted…

  • Sunset view with green grass and trees, blue sky and a yellow orange sun - piecefulthoughts.com
    improv quilts

    Sky Color

    Sky Color is the second challenge for Project Quilting Season 15. Trish asks us this week to “take inspiration from the colors of the sky, but exclude or use less than 10% of the usual blue”, I immediately knew what…