
Brimfield Block EPP

I’ve been having some fun with Brimfield Block EPP. I was given the paper templates for the Brimfield Block EPP by Karen when she was done using them (thanks, Karen!).

I won some 2.5″ strips of Enchanted Forest by Island Batiks from Kathleen (thank you too, Kathleen!) and I’ve been using those strips for the EPP.

Large Brimfield Block

Brimfield Block EPP - The largest Brimfield Block I made, using Enchanted Forest fabrics by Island Batik - piecefulthoughts.com

This Brimfield is about 10 inches from point to point, I think. I enjoyed stitching it together.

Medium Brimfield Block

I thought it would be fun to make one a little smaller, so I made this one which is about 6 inches in diameter.

Brimfield Block EPP - The Baby Brimfield block, made using Island Batik Enchanted Forest fabrics - piecefulthoughts.com

Here are the two side by side so you can see the difference in size.

Brimfield Block EPP - The large and medium Brimfield Blocks together, both using Island Batik Enchanted Forest fabrics - piecefulthoughts.com

I really enjoyed making the smaller one. It’s an easy size to handle and it goes together quickly.

Small Brimfield Block

But could I go smaller? As a challenge, I decided to give it a try.

Brimfield Block EPP - The smallest Brimfield Block, measuring 3 inches, made with Island Batik Enchanted Forest fabrics - piecefulthoughts.com
Brimfield Block EPP - The smallest Brimfield Block, measuring 3 inches, made with Island Batik Enchanted Forest fabrics - piecefulthoughts.com

Yup, this little Brimfield is called the Bitty Brimfield, and bitty it is, measuring 3 inches. I’ve made two of these out of two different sets of fabrics. Those pieces are really small!

Here’s a photo of the largest and smallest together, for scale.

Brimfield Block EPP - The largest and smallest together, Brimfield Block and Bitty Brimfield Block - piecefulthoughts.com

And here’s a photo of all three Brimfield Block EPPs together.

Brimfield Block EPP - The trio, Brimfield Block, Baby Brimfield, and Bitty Brimfield made with Island Batik Enchanted Forest fabric - piecefulthoughts.com

What am I going to do with them, and how many more will I make? I have no idea. I was just playing with them and having some fun. Of the three, I think the middle size is the easiest to do. ‘I’m pretty new to EPP, so I’m learning as I go. The next step is to remove the papers from the two larger blocks. The papers will stay in the bitty.

I thought I would share them with you so you could see the fun I’ve been having with this fun pattern and the gorgeous fabric.

I’m whooping it up today with Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict.



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