
Simple Baby Quilt

My daughter has several friends who are expecting babies, so she has requested some baby quilts. I have enjoyed working with her on the simple baby quilt design for the current quilt I am creating.

It all began with this Aloha Sea Turtle fabric from Blend Fabrics. My brother picked up this fabric for me while he was at market. I had no idea what I was going to make with it, but the sea turtle theme for a baby in Florida seemed to make sense, right?

Simple Baby Quilt - Fabrics for the baby quilt I'm creating, a sand-colored batik, Aloha Sea Turtles by Blend Fabrics, and two Moda Grunge fabrics - piecefulthoughts.com

The sand-colored batik on the left was initially going to be joined with some blue batiks in similar colors to the other fabrics you see here. I washed the three blue batiks (two for the quilt top, one for the backing) and they bled and bled and bled. Scratch that idea. Even though I knew I could set the color, I didn’t want a new mom to have to deal with the possibility of a quilt that bled. So back to the drawing board, as we say. I found the two Moda Grunge fabrics and I love them. They work so much better!

The batik fabric has sand dollars and other ocean-themed designs in it. The design is very simple; just big strips of each fabric. The quilt top will measure 36 inches by 40 inches. The backing is Minky in the aqua color. Fingers crossed, I’ve never quilted Minky, so I’m hoping it works okay!

This is where I’m at with the quilt.

Simple Baby Quilt - A simple baby quilt in progress, measuring 36" x 40", using a sand-colored batik, Moda Grunge fabric in aqua and navy, and Aloha Sea Turtles by Blend Fabrics - piecefulthoughts.com

The sea turtles fabric is cut 8-1/2 inches wide by 27-1/2″ long. The Grunge fabrics are cut 4-1/2″ inches wide by 27-1/2″ long. The batik will be 8-1/2″ wide by 40″ long. I’m still pondering quilting, but it will be something fairly simple as well, with my walking foot, of course!

Getting to Know Me

If you recall, I recently participated in the Welcome to My House Blog Hop. I enjoyed seeing each participant’s house-themed quilt. One quilter, Charlene McCain of Just Because Quilts made a cute little sampler quilt using some embroidered blocks of her own design. She doesn’t sell the designs (she really should though), but she has graciously shared them with me for my personal use. I like them because they portray little things about me that you may not know. Clearly, Charlene and I have some things in common! So here’s my first block. Friends who know me well will get a chuckle out of this, because they know it’s true.

I read in bed, every night, sometimes much longer than I should. I always have, ever since I was a kid. Currently I read at night on my Kindle, because I can turn off the light so BigJ can sleep. Honestly, though, I really prefer a hard copy book. I love the feel of the book, and I often buy a book based on its feel. I like the weight of a book, and it doesn’t hurt quite as much as getting hit in the face with a Kindle or an iPad. Haha.

Stay tuned for more little blocks that tell little things about me. And thank you, Charlene, for allowing me to use your designs for my own little creation!

Tomorrow I’m going to visit my brother and sister-in-law for the weekend, so I may not get a post in on Friday. If not, I’ll see you on Monday!

So what about you — do you read past your bedtime? And — book vs. Kindle – do tell.



  • Gray Barn Designs

    Hi Wendy! Your baby quilt is very cute, especially with the sea turtle fabric. As for reading…I very much prefer reading books and I love to walk into our local library and spend some quiet time picking out just the right book(s). It’s a peaceful time for me. I have resisted electronic books so far, although all of my friends are using eBooks, especially for travel.

  • Vicki in MN

    Yes, I tend to read a bit before I sleep, I tried reading on my Amazon Fire and it just doesn’t feel right. I prefer the real thing. I’d say those other fabrics bled in person because they didn’t belong in this quilt-they were encouraging you to find just the right fabrics and you did. The grunge with the turtles is perfect!

  • rl2b2017

    Hi Wendy! I love those fabrics in the baby quilt. The Grunge line just seems to go with everything, doesn’t it?!! Perfect choices. Oh yes indeed, I love to read. As a kid I was sent to bed at 8 and allowed to read until 8:30. I looked forward to that each day. Now I read on my iPad or real books. We have a library in our house with loads of books – I’ll have to take a picture of it and share it sometime. Happy Wednesday to you! ~smile~ Roseanne

  • Louise Hornor

    Love the fabrics you’ve chosen for the baby quilt! Sea turtles and grunge, squee! I find it uncomfortable to read in bed, so I do all my reading in my chair at my computer. And bedtime is defined as “when I start nodding off while reading.” 🙂

  • Sandra Walker

    I like that you’re creating with your daughter! Yep I do read past my bedtime in bed. Every night, rarely do I miss a night, have done since I was a kid too even occasionally under the covers with a flashlight! Hard copy. Have read exactly one complete book on my iPad, Room.

  • My Sewful Retirement

    Hi Wendy — love the fabrics for the baby quilt! I love to read and I too read on my Kindle at night so hubby can sleep 🙂 We’ve got a great library and used book store — more of an exchange than an actual store. Lots of retired people here who like to read. Enjoy the visit with your brother and sister-in-law!

  • Tish

    I love the addition of the Grunge to the baby quilt. It kind of reminds me of water. I’ve never quilted with Minky before either so I’ll be interested to hear how that goes. Man, I use to read all the time, but since I found quilting I’ve slacked way off. Nothing will ever beat the feel and smell (is that weird) of a book in your hands.

  • Kathleen McCormick

    Reading in bed used to be one of my great talents – finishing books at unreasonable hours. We seem to have reversed roles and now it is my husband who does that. Need to get back to that habit in one way or another – mostly I am reading quilting related things these days.

    Look forward to seeing the simple baby quilt! There are so many great ways to do it. MINKY – three hints depending on the kind. 1. Use masking tape where you are going to cut. 2. Keep your vacuum close – both of these because many shed. 3. Pin Pin Pin to keep it from shift. I have not quilted with it but used it with gauze and it is a slinky devil!

  • SAndi

    Sometimes I read at bed time especially if I’m not tired. I like books better than my Nook. When we travel I usually take my Nook as it has a light on it and doesn’t bother my husband.

  • Smiles from Kate

    Lovely embroidery, such a cute design. I used to read in bed but I can’t actually sit in bed just now which is annoying. I use to read quilt books or novels, I always buy the paper version of a non fiction book, kindle doesn’t work for me with these. A few years ago I thought kindle was the best thing ever for novels but now I’m going back to books, there is often little difference between the prices anyway and with books I can swap with my sister and friends.

  • Sparkle On with Abbie

    Hi Wendy, a perfect quilt for a Florida baby. Baby quilts are so fun to make, aren’t they!
    Your embroidered Wendy late night reading is so awesome!
    I love a “real” book too, those little clip on book lights are a super invention.
    What are you reading? Right now I am hooked on E. Ferrante’s the “Neapolitan Series”

  • Bernie

    If I read in bed, I often fall asleep. I must be getting old! I prefer real books to e-books for sure. I finished Clock Dance and Loved it. Thanks for the great read!

  • Lisa

    Hi Wendy. I love the sea turtle fabric . It’s so cute and is perfect for a baby quilt. I also read in bed, real books at any time of the day but usually at night and I don’t tend to read much past my bedtime unless I’m near the end of the book and want to know how it ends.

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