• quilting

    How Things Are Going

    Here’s how things are going at Pieceful Thoughts. I haven’t been posting much lately, so maybe you think I haven’t been sewing, but I have. Time to catch you up a bit! Things That Haven’t Gone Well Unrelated to sewing,…

  • improv quilts

    Improv Fun

    I’ve been having some improv fun in my quilt room once again. It all started innocently enough. I decided that the small scrap bin of my solid fabric needed reducing. Plus, I thought it would be fun to try working…

  • quilting

    PQ14.4 A Novel Project

    PQ 14.4 A Novel Project is the next Project Quilting challenge. A quilt based on a book you’ve read. I have read so many books, I had no idea how to choose. Then I thought of one book that I…