Pieceful Life

Thursday Thoughts

I have some Thursday thoughts to share with you today. Each Thursday – well, lately it hasn’t been each Thursday – I join in with LeeAnna (Not Afraid of Color) for her I Love Thursday fun. There are a group of us who post Thursday thoughts, and you can see the full list over at Not Afraid of Color. Feel free to pop over and read the other posts. It’s fun to see what the others are writing about each week! Lately LeeAnna has been giving us prompts for our Thursday posts. Today she wants to know our favorite fair foods. Well, hmm. I’m not much into fairs, to be honest, so I really don’t have a favorite fair food. If I do go, and it’s hot, I’d probably have some ice cream. I will admit that I almost decided to put a quilt in our local county fair this year, but I probably won’t. I don’t usually make my quilts with judging in mind!

Those of us here in America celebrated the 4th of July this week. We’re not much into the 4th festivities, so we amused ourselves by taking a drive or two. We stopped at a local state park and took a hike – there were some pretty views.

View of a lake with green trees and foliage in foreground - piecefulthoughts.com

The weather earlier this week was hot and humid, with a few storms thrown in for fun. We had a little pea-sized hail, but others around us had larger hail with damage. We needed the rain, but not the hail. Yesterday was lovely, with lower temps and lower humidity. We took another walk, and then enjoyed a delightful meal out on our deck.

While we were eating, we were amused at the birds coming to the feeder, which is about 4 feet from us. They didn’t seem to mind that we were there, they just wanted the seeds. We changed our birdseed, and boy, has that made a difference! We use this bird feeder. It isn’t cheap, but after you’ve had squirrels wreck every feeder you put up, it’s worth paying for one that works. The weight of the squirrel causes the metal cage to cover the seed holes, and the squirrel cannot get to the seed. That doesn’t stop them from trying!

One of the other things we added to our backyard about a year ago was some native wildflower seeds, and this year they are starting to bloom. I love this view of all the Black-eyed Susans in one corner of the yard!

Photo of a patch of Black-Eyed Susan flowers - piecefulthoughts.com

The flowers are much prettier to look at than our septic system, and we hope it will attract and help our local birds and bees. We have a few other flowers growing, too, but these are the most colorful.

Back to the subject of squirrels, the other morning while I was sipping my coffee, I looked up to see this.

Photo of a patio door with a squirrel climbing on the screen - piecefulthoughts.com

The squirrel was having a little walk around our door screen! I’m not exactly sure what his plan was, but he seemed to be amused by walking all over that screen. Where was Wilbs while all this excitement was happening, you ask? He was sound asleep on my bed, missing all the fun.

The Weekly Wilbs

I’ve been hit and miss on my Thursday posts, so I know some of you are wondering about Wilbs. I’ve have a box on the couch that is collecting items to bring to the thrift shop. I looked over the other night, and . . .

Cat sitting in a box of iitems - piecefulthoughts.com

Do we not love him enough? Is he unhappy here? No, Wilbs, I’m not donating you to the thrift shop. He was picked up out of the box and loved up by both of us, and then given some yummy treats – which, no doubt, was his goal all along!

And that, my friends, wraps up this post of my Thursday Thoughts. Thank you for sticking around and reading my post!

Are you a fairgoer? If so, do you have a favorite food? Wilbs and I want to know!



  • Barbara J Stanbro

    Hiking in a state park is a great way to celebrate the fourth. I love the black-eyed Susans. I grew them here a year or two ago, but they only bloomed one season, and then didn’t come back.

    • Diann@LittlePenguinQuilts

      Such a pretty view at the state park and also at your wildflower garden, Wendy! I’m not much into fairs and festivals either – a hike sounds like just the thing. Cute Wilbs – that picture made me laugh! Does he do the same thing if you get out a suitcase and start packing?

  • Eva

    So many lovely information and fotos in this post. Yes, there are for sure many options to do on a free day. Good joice. For fair food…no idea as well, because it is expensive and not healthy. Even street festivals… it is difficult. Wine you can not drink because of driving and regarding foot, i am with Wendy.. I love icecrem and a good coffee and muffin or cake.
    Oh, Wilbs.. no nobody would ever donate you!!! What a picture. And this cat poker face says…. Treets or I stay in this box and will be away!
    The squirrel is amazing master of walking on glas! Never seen!!
    May be good that Wilbs missed that.
    Your wild flowers are wonderful, try to get more seed.
    To sew flowers could be an idea.

    A bird house or the new bird-lunch-to-go house is worth every dollar.
    Our birds eat a lot as well. But we have less of these nice ones you have.
    I have an old flat pot with water in the garden so they can bath. Funny thing to see.
    Thanks for your post!

  • texasquiltgal

    Those are some pretty fair weather cumulus in the photo, the kind I like to see because they often morph into thunderheads with the right fuel. What kind of seed did you switch to? Your black-eyed Susans are so pretty! We saw a stand of them at our doctor’s office yesterday and couldn’t remember the name of them as we were going into the office; but coming out of the office I suddenly blurted “Black eyed Susans!”. Aw the fun of growing old. Oh that precious Wilbs – I love that photo!

  • Tracie

    I love the squirrel photo and Wilbs in a box! Our humidity hung around until late last night, and it’s such a relief to open windows again for fresh air.

    I’m a big fan of the Dakota County Fair and Minnesota State Fair. The food isn’t a big draw for me anymore. Hubs likes a pork chop on a stick, and I like a malt from the dairy barn (chocolate raspberry at the state fair). I love going through the creative activities buildings to admire the handmade crafts and amateur photos. And we always look for the giant rabbits in the 4-H barn. If I ever added a pet to our farm, it would be a Giant Himalayan rabbit.

  • Rochelle Summers

    Beautiful photos of all you’ve done/seen. I have some black eyed susans that came back this year…just not as plentiful. Will plant them again because they are so pretty. Wilbs was trying to see what would happen if he decided to pack up for a vacation. You’re right, he got what he wanted. Good to see you posting.

  • Sara Fridley

    I do enjoy going to fairs, and readily admit that my favorite fair food is a funnel cake – or maybe a corn dog.

  • Katherine Duquette

    State Fairs always have interesting foods. Mostly if I went I couldn’t eat them too. Deep fried anything like cheesecake, twinkies, pickles, Oreos or candy bars are curiosities but not something I would buy.
    There’s a refreshing drink with orange juice and milk on ice that I would enjoy. Being in the southwest we have fry bread. The native Americans make these as a specialty. The dough is rolled out in a circle, holes poked and deep fried over a wood fire. Toppings can be as simple as by powering sugar or better even served as a taco with the works. The lines to buy these are long.
    Happy summer it’s hot in New Mexico.

  • Vicki in MN

    Sorry you had hail up your way, we didn’t, but we did have a nice much needed rain. We used to go to the fair for the exhibits when the kids were little, didn’t stop for food there tho’. Love the black eyed susans, we used to have those when we lived in town. Crazy squirrel on the screen door!

  • Mari

    A hike in a state park for the 4th sounds like a winner to me! I’m surprised you weren’t overwhelmed by a bunch of other hikers. Have a happy weekend!

  • The Morning Latte

    I couldn’t say on the fair food really either. Went a few times when I was young but it’s just not my thing.
    Funny squirrel. We have a dif type of feeder but it seems to work just as well at keeping the squirrels out of it. Now if we could just keep them from eating the fruit in the orchard! Not sure what we’re going to do but they have to go!
    Silly Wilbs. That is NOT the box you want to be in!

  • Jocelyn

    Hiking and eating on your deck…envious of both! We’ve been under a cloud of heat and humidity making outdoors unpleasant. I have gone through quite a few feeders and the latest, Red Cardinal is pretty good to deter the squirrels. I find the sliders usually stop working or break on the squirrel proof ones, but your hubby could probably fix them…not so here. And none of them are cheap!
    Love that Wilbs. No he’s definitely a keeper.

  • Cocoa Quilts

    Loving the wildflowers!! They are looking good for the second year!! Great feeder, those squirrels will try everything to get free seed. Glad you got to hit the state park for a few hikes!!

  • Kathleen McCormick

    We are new to the bird feeder game. The good news….no squirrels on the island. We do have chipmunks and they enjoy the platform Jonathan put out. Now, the other night we had a doe! Never saw one before in our yard. Love the sunflowers and of course Wilbur – but really – how did he not see that squirrel? I don’t go to fairs, now, but did as a kid and loved them. My grandfather was a state cop and would pull “duty” and get some tickets. Love funnel cake, and snow cones, and cotton candy!

  • Mia is mine

    We are of the same mind – I don’t make quilts to be judged, only loved. 😊Your hike must have been beautiful!
    We have been basically living in quarantine due to out Southern New Mexico heat. It seems that as I age, it just takes the life out of me. Your garden looks lovely!
    How funny to see a squirrel on your screen door! Wilbs is a cutie!

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