Pieceful Life

Thursday Likes

I’m popping in with a quick post of my Thursday likes, and joining up with the rest of the group with LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color. I missed last week, so I thought I should have something to share today. 

My quilting pal, Rose (Something Rosemade) sent me a little fabric surprise one day. It was a little piece of fabric with my initial on it. While organizing my sewing table, I came across it, and decided to stitch up a little project bag, just for me. A little vinyl, a little pink Grunge for the backing, add a zipper, and I’m good to go! 

Project Bag made just for me - piecefulthoughts.com

The bag measures about 9″ x 11″. I used the pattern from Sotak Handmade’s book, That Handmade Touch

There has not been as much sewing happening lately, as I’ve been out and about doing other things. We took a little drive on Monday, and ended up on the banks of Plum Creek. 

Site of the Laura Ingalls Wilder sod house - piecefulthoughts.com

This is the site of the Ingalls’ sod house where Laura lived in the book On the Banks of Plum Creek. The white roping shows the outline of the house. I don’t know that you’ll be able to read the sign, but it says that this is all that remains of the sod house since the roof caved in years ago. That sign is about the size of a throw quilt, if that helps give you a register to how small this little house was. It’s hard to imagine a family living in it. It was an interesting stop along our drive. 

Meanwhile, back at our house, while the squirrels have been relatively quiet in the sewing room, they’ve been making the most of eating our birdseed. This little one has figured out how to eat and do his/her aerobics at the same time. It amuses Wilbs and I, but the birds are a bit put out when he hogs the entire feeder. 

Squirrel hanging from bird feeder - piecefulthoughts.com

The Weekly Wilbs

The Weekly Wilbs, on high alert after hearing a new sound - piecefulthoughts.com

Wilbs was on high alert when he heard a new sound by our front door – look at those ears all perked up. It gave me a chuckle – he was quite perplexed, but not quite enough perplexed to leave his comfy blanket. He stayed this way for a few minutes before settling back down and snoozing once again. 

There will be no sewing this weekend, it’s cherry pickin’ time! I’ll share a bit more about that next week. 

Thanks for stopping by to read my Thursday Likes! 



  • lapaylor

    at least you don’t get the barking alerts that go out here. So cool about the Ingalls family home… burrowing in like moles in the ground

  • karenfae

    we stopped at one of the Laura Ingall’s house sites once in Minnesota but it wasn’t that one – I can’t begin to imagine living in anything that small with a family.

  • Vicki in MN

    That roped off house area looks only big enough to sleep in, let along cook, sew and eat in! Your project bag looks so professionally done, nice work! Will that hold you new wool project?

  • Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts

    That was the perfect piece of fabric to make a vinyl zipper pouch out of! How neat to be able to see where Laura Ingalls Wilder once lived, too. Tiny! We’ve found the squirrels in our neighborhood to be very creative and determined in trying to get at the birdseed. Have fun with your cherry picking trip!

  • Kathleen Scargle McCormick

    Love the stop by Laura Ingalls sod house…gascintating. The cherries are good and ripe for picking so off you go. We have company so little sewing this weekend for me. I have some painting I can finish before the brother in law arrives and cooking commences!

  • Jocelyn Thurston

    I had to smile when I read about Wilbs being alerted but not wanting to leave his comfort.
    Thank you so much for sharing that photo of the site of Laura’s original home. Imagine the tiny size. My girls read the book and we all watched Little House on the Prairie years ago. Fond memories!
    You are so clever to make that project bag! It’s a beauty too. Love the W.
    Have a great weekend.

  • texasquiltgal

    I read that book as a child, along with the others in the series. Seriously, how can anyone live in a house that small. Love your bag, and what is that fabric – it’s fantastic! Wilbur’s fur looks irresistible to stroke.

  • The Morning Latte

    I love your little zipper bag! That’s very cool to be able to visit Plum Creek. My aunt lives in southest KS, about 2 hours from me and when I was little always talked about visiting one of the Ingall’s’ houses that was not too far from her. I was so little, I don’t remember much other than going. There is also the Little House Museum down there. Would make a fun day trip with my daughter and her kids now that I think about it. Great books we all love!

  • rl2b2017

    Hi Wendy! It’s cherry picking time . . . that means cherry brandy (??) I think. I remember last year’s harvest and some yummy stuff. Oh Wilbs – you are the reason I read this blog – that is beyond your kind and talented mom. How cool that you got to visit Plum Creek!!!!! I adored those books – look how small that house was. WOWEE. Enjoy the wonderful weather and weekend – there’s plenty of time for sewing when it’s snowing. ~smile~ Roseanne

  • Colette

    Funny as I was driving through South Dakota I saw her homestead in DeSmet and was wondering where Plum Creek was. Great zipper bag. Love your day lily. We have a ditch full of litlies this year which make me smile. Great likes and awesome to see Wilbs.

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